Importance of lockout tagout courses

 Machines may break down every now and then and they require to be serviced. It is not just enough to simply shut down the machine and make the required repairs. According to OSHA, machines will have to be removed from power sources and locked out tagged out and isolated to prevent any kind of injuries. A huge number of accidents have happens when people thought that the machine was properly shut off yet it was connected to the power source in some way or the other. Lockout TagOut Training Online is a way of protecting yourself and others by ensuring that the machine is completely shut off of.



Various benefits of opting for logout tagout training course:


The lockout tagout course will minimise exposure to injury in case a machine gets accidentally started. It also reduces chances of injury in case any kind of hazardous energy is released from the machine including electric arc flash, corrosive chemicals, etc. In this way, it can save a lot of lives at workplaces. It also minimises exposure to litigation. A lot of companies also receive benefits and discounts on workers compensation if there are a lesser number of accidents at the workplace. These courses also help to increase the efficiency of the employees at work. The courses also encourage the employees to work with full dedication. There are various other courses as well like the traffic control person training online that allows the employees to maintain safety at the workplace.


Why should you enrol for our logout tagout course?


With our lockout tagout training canada, you will get to know about all the steps to correctly lockout and tagout devices and equipment. By opting for courses, you will be able to eliminate the chances of potential hazards. The course also covers all kinds of legal requirements. You will be able to learn a huge variety of topics including your duties at the workplace, the various steps of lockout tagout, common mistakes and so on. The duration of the course is approximately 90 minutes.


Knowledge testing is conducted during the course. The questions are designed to ensure that the participants have clearly understood every aspect of lockout tagout. A pass mark of 80% will have to be achieved by the candidate in order to receive their certificate of completion. Every participant will be able to repeat the course twice in case the required mark has not been acquired in the first attempt. The certificate is valid for 3 years from the date of completion of the course.


And this was all about the lockout tagout course. You can also opt for our propane cylinder handing course to maintain safety in hazardous environments.



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