There is a need to create a strong safety culture where employees go beyond their call of duty and correct any security lapse as soon as they notice it. A culture where co-workers positively point out any unsafe behavior of each other.

       Following are the steps management can take to develop a strong safety culture: -

1)      Include everyone: - From top management to the worker all should participate in safety and wellness programs like driving tips, tackling winter storms, and dealing with a fire emergency, etc. The aim is to have a shared vision. Good online safety training courses Canada will teach the employees how to inculcate safety values, and be a part of the solution and not of the problem. Make safety and health a core organizational value.

2)      Open Communication and training culture: - A safety culture should be organization-wide and should be the result of group efforts towards the values of safety for all. For this conducting regular safety meetings, where everyone can voice their opinion, is essential. A two-way communication channel should be set up top to bottom. The whole staff can take up online workplace safety training workshops to bring positive changes in their behavior making them the least accident-prone.   

3)      Define safety responsibilities and reporting: - At each level of the organization the safety policies, goals, and plans should be assigned clearly. Professional online safety training courses come in handy here where especially top management is taught how to form these policies, how to establish communication channels for reporting, and how to lead by example.  

4)      Enforce accountability: - Hold managers and supervisors for being accountable for visibly being involved. For example, a manager should assign the propane handling task to a worker who holds a propane handling certificate online or offline or has considerable experience in this field. 

5)      Fast action culture: - Develop a system where employees think of rectifying the safety lapse immediately, without delay. This makes the safety culture more strong and efficient.

6)      Make safety programs visible: - While carrying on each task the employee must have a set of safety instructions written in front of him. Use notice boards, wall posters, emails, safety handbooks, etc to put the message across.

7)      Ongoing training and celebrate success: - Hold safety workshops regularly to keep the workforce updated and well skilled. Moreover, make your efforts public and try to motivate other companies and organizations.


For more info :- online safety courses Canada

online safety training

Online Safety Training Canada

online safety training courses



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